Tag: b10 isotope

Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

In the field of cancer therapy, neutrons are used in a method called Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). In this approach, a patient is administered with an inert 10B isotope-containing compound that preferentially targets the tumor. Then the body is irradiated with a neutron beam. This bombardment causes the 10B isotope to fission and emit a high-energy a-particle that carries a large amount of energy into the tumor and triggers intracellular double strand DNA breaks. This leads to cell death. The lethal effects of this radiation are directed exclusively at the target cells and minimize damage to non-targeted healthy tissue. BNCT has shown promise in treating patients with glioblastomas and other challenging tumors.

American Elements produces a wide range of stable boron isotopes including b10 and b11. In nuclear applications, enriched boron is used in the form of boric acid as chemical shims for pressurized water reactors and sodium pentaborate for standby liquid control systems in boiling water reactors. Outside the nuclear industry, these isotopes are also used for extrinsic food labeling to monitor boron metabolism. These isotopes are available as rods, pellets, pieces, granules and sputtering targets for use in many types of research and development projects.

In the field of cancer therapy, neutrons are used in a method called Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). In this approach, a patient is administered […]

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